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Hey team!

With Vampire Month all wrapped up it time to quickly reflect on everything we released!

We released:

10 Maps with dozens of variants!

2 Free Regional Maps

Another awesome collab with James' RPG Art

If you haven't already grab your rewards here:

Initiate Mapmaker ($1) / Journeyman Surveyors ($3) / Master Cartographers ($5)

Find more maps here: Cartographer’s Archive List

If you enjoy my work please consider supporting me to gain access to my entire archive and to all of you that already support, thank you very much!

Map Previews

The Realms of Beleriand 

Grimshaw Manor

Hidden Cavern

Ravenfall Docks

The Realms of Middle Earth

Church of Nyxa


Dripping Candle Tavern

Ravenfall Castle

City of Ravenfall

Ravenfall Market

Hangmans Bridge


🌈 Become a Patron, Unlock the Vault:

If you find joy in these daily offerings and desire access to an extensive treasure trove of maps and other assets, consider supporting my Patreon. Your support not only fuels the madness but grants you access to a library of thousands of maps to enrich your gaming world.

🚀 May your dice be ever in your favor,

George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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