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Hi all!

Welcome to our fourth and final major release for November featuring the rather precariously hanging village of Stoneperch and volume 3 of Mountain Passes, which include 3 additional encounter maps.


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Mountains and Cliffs - Week 1

Mountains and Cliffs - Week 2

Mountains and Cliffs - Week 3

Make sure to join our Discord Community for more maps and TTRPG content!


Balanced on the edge of a treacherous cliff, Stoneperch is a place that few people would wish to find themselves.

Yet sitting upon one of the few navigable passes through the Eagle Talon Mountains, many are forced to endure the hospitality of Stoneperch's surly population. Just watch your step, the carrion birds at the base of the cliff are exceedingly well fed....

  Mountain Pass - Ascent

I can't imagine a more inconvenient time for enemies to show up then when you have to scale a steep cliff...

 Mountain Pass - Road

I'm sure nothing will happen on this quiet mountain road. Nothing at all.

Mountain Pass - Lake

An idyllic mountain lake for your players to relax next to. Absolutely no threat here, just nice cool water....


With November done and dusted, let me know what sorts of maps you want for December and I'll add them to the map poll that goes live tomorrow.

🚀 Join the Adventure!

Don't miss out on the magic! Sign up as a patron today to unlock this enchanting map and gain exclusive perks. Your support fuels our creativity and helps shape the realms we build together. Let's embark on this journey together!

Thank you for being a part of our growing community!


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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