The Town of Orthus (Patreon)
Welcome adventures to the riverside town of the Orthus.
Built around an important fortified river crossing, the town serves as a major hub for any and all trade passing through the region.
The central feature of the town is no doubt the stone bridge replete with round towers and heavy gates. It is home to Baron Marsden, a minor nobleman, who jealously guards his 'keep'. No traffic be it commercial or civilian may pass without his authorisation, something he will not give without being given a purse of gold no doubt.
Orthus then is a town of two halves, splintered by a wide river and a greedy baron.
Two wealthy merchant families the Kenwins and the Watmers dominate trade in the region and are constantly trying to outdo each other. Building lavish manor houses on their side of the river and hosting large banquets and celebrations in equal measure. It is ill advised to cross either of these powerful houses particularly in their own territory or you'll find yourself with a blade in your gut in some back alley. They on constantly trying to leverage any sort of advantage both over each other and over the Baron to enrich themselves further. A crafty adventure might use this to their benefit.
Religion in the town was once a simple affair, a small shrine to Ilos, a minor Goddess who protects travellers is one of the oldest buildings in Orthus. Its well worn paving stones a testament to its past importance and conversely its waning popularity in the present.
It will surprise no one that the dualism present in the town both physically and politically also permeates into its religion. The two (married) gods you will find here are known as simply as The Lady and The Eternal One, having grand temples constructed one either side of the river. Though the god couple are both revered by all, the priests will tell you that one is greater than the other, their answer very much depending on the side of the river you are on.
The final important faction in Orthus are the fishermen. Simple and humble men and women to all appearances, however looks can be deceiving. For the right price they smuggle goods and people across the river in the bottom of their boats. Thus a small but lucrative blackmarket has grown up around the fishermen.
They know the ever changing river well and are the only ones that can navigate it safely. Don't be caught on the river by the fisherman without their permission, you'll be found rubbed with fish guts and staked out for the birds on Crow Hill.
This is our first big map project guys so thanks for everyone that offered suggestions and input. Particular thanks goes to Olle Bjorck who came up with the name Orthus, the two headed dog from Greek Mythology. It seems very fitting for this particular map.
Moving forward I would move to get your guys input of more of the world building and creation of these maps.
Let me know what you think!
Surveyor and Cartographer tier posts to follow.
Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license