The Grand Library of Traygor Peak (Patreon)
"Few places in this world are as inaccessible and yet sort after as the library at Traynor Peak on the Ferosia Island chain.
While many other great fonts of knowledge are subject to the machinations of politics and the ever destructive touch of war. The Grand Library's position atop a large mountain range away from the 'civilised' world has allowed it to survive where many others have perished.
The collection of books contained within the library's walls therefore are said to be one of the most extensive in all the world. Indeed from the accounts I have gathered they have many tomes that we lack even within The Archive in which I now sit.
What I would not do to gain access to this wonderful site. Sadly I am unlikely to ever see it, the library is invite only, a Portal Stone seemingly the only way in and out of the complex.
One can dream though."
- Regar Turnfoot, Assistant Scribe 2nd class, Imperial Archive
Note: Further to this account, several reports have reached the Archive, from perhaps questionable sources, that eledge to the presence of books from the Grimgor collection. Whilst I hesitate to endorse rumours and hearsay any reference to these singularly destructive texts should be treated carefully. If they are there I just hope to the gods they aren't in the main library. The works of Tyrellius Grimgor don't cohabit well with other books.
Hi guys :)
Heres another map for you, I hope that you like it.
I have all the versions ready to go so look out for the posts for all tiers.
I decided that for this map I would focus mainly on the interiors rather than the exterior setting i.e. the moutain peak it sits on top of so its easier for you to plug into your games wherever you chose to put it.
Let me know what you think of this approach.
I am also trying to be a bit more organised and using ZIPPED folders rather than individual PNGS let me know if you have any trouble opening them.
Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license
George - The Reclusive Cartographer.