City Gatehouse - Battlemap - All Versions and PSD (Patreon)
By order of Sir Layum Darat, Commander of the Royal Army, you are to advance your regiment and seize the southern gatehouse of the enemy polis immediately.
Reinforcements will be dispatched once the royal standard is observed flying from the battlements, you and your men are to hold the fortifications until then.
A diversionary attack will be launched against the eastern wall to draw the defenders away but expect heavy resistance. The nature of your assault will be left to your tactical discretion but it must be launched immediately upon receipt of this order.
All hail the King and may the All Father guide your blades.
Lady Kerta, Aide du Coup to Sir Layum Darat
- Copy of a dispatch sent during the siege of the city of Bulverant shortly before it's fall to the King's army
Hi guys,
Here is the night version for you excellent Master Cartographers.
Let me know what you think! I hope you like it!
Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license
George - The Reclusive Cartographer