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Well hello to my excellent Patrons,

Here are your links to the Core Map for The Underwater Temple.

I'm sure you have noticed this slightly different approach to posting, namely a Public Post to announce the map that contains links for you guys to receive your rewards.

I have done this to make the Patron Page more accessible to people thinking about joining us but my first concern is you guys so if its too confusing/annoying let me know and I'll rethink.

Also if you haven't checked out the Core Map Post recently I suggest you do as I have be rejigging it a lot recently and while its still a work in Progress it sure beats scrolling through endless amounts of posts to find that one map you half remember seeing!

 Let me know what you think!

Journeyman Surveyors Rewards 

Master Cartographers Rewards 

Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license 


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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