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The ivory towered, peerless city of the High Elves is the largest repository of magical  and mundane knowledge in the known world.

Built on the ruins of a, some would say, even grander city of an unknown progenitor race, Tlanos has stood for many thousands of years, a beacon to all that value knowledge and tradition. 

Tlanos is a city divided, the Upper City exclusively inhabited by High Elves and the Lower City where the ‘Andua’ (an Elven word meaning Lesser) live. Large white stone walls separate the two distinct halves of the polis.

The High Elves of Tlanos are known to be somewhat arrogant and reserved, looking down their noses at other peoples and even other elves. They are all too aware that the cities of man are festering cesspools compared to their great metropolis are not afraid to remind them of it, provided of course they spoke to one, a rarity indeed.


excerpt from The High Elves of Tlanos by Kartal Williams 

Hi guys!

Here is the latest map I have put together for you all, the High Elven city of Tlanos from my own homebrew world.

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Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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