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Hi all!

Here is a free battlemap for you guys, the Sacred Glade.

It's inspired by an encounter one of my groups had with a Unicorn that called this place home. An ancient and forgotten ring of standing stones that acted as a crossing point into the Feywilds.

One of my players nearly got himself gored by the Unicorn for excessively lying but I hope your parties will fair better :D.

Here are all the variants for every tier:

If you are one of my excellent Patrons please find the links to your rewards below.

If you are thinking of joining to gain instant access to my archive of maps CLICK HERE to find out more.

Initiate Mapmakers $1 

Journeyman Surveyors $3 

Master Cartographers $5 

Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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