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Hi all,

In an effort to make it easier for you wonderful Patrons to access your rewards more easily I would like to formally welcome you to the master post for Journeyman Surveyors, the home of all your tier rewards moving forward.

First things first, if you want to peruse the entire library of past releases you are better off at The Cartographer's Archive.

The links for all current and future releases however will also feature here. I will look to update it with all past content as well but it might take a little while.

Latest Releases: November

Week 1

RC - Bastion Assets - Starter Pack

Stonehaven Bridge

Sarum Town


Quick Links

Asset Vault - All released props

Monster Vault - All released monster tokens


Shadowfey Portals

Thieve's Honor - Adventure

Frenzy in the Forest - Adventure

Forbidden Magic - Adventure

Deep Water Havoc - Adventure



City of Ansburg

City of Braman

City of Cloister

City of Garchester

City of Jeran

City of Ravenfall

Dawsburg - Fortified Town  

Dawsburg Remastered 64x64


Eth Aldur - Dwarf City  

Grasmere Village   

Helman Sound - Remastered 46x33 

IceHunter's Village 32x45

Imortis - The City of Undeath 42x36 

Isa Dorei  

Kal Alun 52x66 

Keelstone Shanty  

Kel Patra  

Mareford 88x107 

Meddenvale 88x116 

Mountain Village  

New Grove

Northridge Estate 60x73 

Oakmere 53x61 


Sarum Town

Stronghold of Mirstone

Tiberwic Village

Tor Immrek - Dwarven Village 41x63

Town of Cotor 40x52


Village of Altasa  

Village of Zabyty 33x33


Aboleth Lair

Academy of Magic

Adventurer's Guild 60x60 

Aldur's Redoubt Remastered 44x43

Ancient Barrow 44x85 

Bathhouse 47x98

Black Crag Mine 44x107 

Black Dragon Lair  

Blackstone Castle 94x103

Camp Duskwell  

Castle Aucia  

Castle Greyshore 54x66

Castle of Netherbane 47x62

Caverns of Morhule  

Citadel of the Dawn 60x49

City Bank   

City Hall 39x96

City Jail 65x67 

City Watch Barracks

Cotor Abbey 73x80

Cotor Townhall 36x39

Dark Dwarf Tower  

Dark Temple 63x62

Den of Ralis 45x45

Desert Tomb 30x35

Druidic Cave

Duskfire Hall 40x59

Dwarven Ruins 58x56

Faerie Tree 60x45

Flooded Cavern 40x40 

Forgotten Catacombs

Fortified Waystation

Gates of Thul Dergar

Goblin Lair 30x30 

Grasmere Manor  

Grasmere Manor - Remastered

Great Library 39x50 

Hag Shack 28x38 

Halls of Eternity Part Four 42x78

Halls of Eternity Part One 42x78

Halls of Eternity Part Three 42x78

Halls of Eternity Part Two 42x78

Headless Oarsman 29x94

Heartstone Manor

Hidden Cavern

Hidden Raiders' Shrine

Hospital of Saint Rayne   

Ice Troll Cave

Kobold Lair  

Lich's Palace 65x82 

Lonely Cottage  

Lost Library of Tathra 45x69

Old Ink Pot Remastered 44x32

Palace of Stars 71x148

Paladin Temple

Pilgrims Rest Remastered 27x30

Pirate Fort  

Priory of the Flame Eternal 78x70

Royal Foundry

Ruined Monastery

Ruined Shrine

Ruined Temple  

Senna's Tomb 49x65

Sepent Temple

Smuggler's Hideout

Stormguard 74x64 

Storm Shrine 34x52

Swamp Cavern 30x30

The Descent  

The Fangburg 42x60

The Hollow Tree  

The Old Lighthouse  

The Ruined Castle

The Secret Market

The White Horses Tavern 52x72 

Tomb of the Sand King  

Torien's Watch 95x118

Urban Building Collection 1

Vault of Souls 48x69

Wizard's Tower 50x59 


Abandoned Farmhouses 34x49 

Alchemist Shop  


Arloc Keep  

Back Alleys

Barber Surgeon  

Battle Wagon - Animated Battlemap


Beacon Tower 40x30

Blackrock Harbour 60x64

Black Shark Bay 86x57

Brazen Bull Inn 30x30

Breeched City 59x98

Broken Crown Tower

Canyon Pass 30x60 

Castle Harangard 58x67

Castle Siege 30x80

Castle Wall  

Cave and Caverns Battlemaps  

Charnel Swamp 34x44

Chasm Bridge  

Church of Nyxa

City District One 42x60

City Docks  

City Riverfront

City Sewers 120x120

City Streets 120x120

Cliff Edge 30x30 

Clockwork Dragon 74x50

Coastal Encampment

Coastal Path  

Craggy Rocks 40x40 

Cursed Mill 39x39

Dawnton Barracks  

Deadend Street

Demon Prison 44x60 

Descrated Shrine 40x50

Desert Canyon 34x49 

Desert Road 30x30

Dragon Forge  

Dragon Glade 28x40

Drakefell Harbour 43x72

Dripping Candle Tavern

Drow Outpost -JS

Dwarf Expedition Camp

Dwarven Hold Entrance  

Dwarven Throne Room - Patron Only

Dwarven Thunderbarge

Ebony Carpenters 30x30

Eldritch Ritual 36x42 

Elemental Circle

Ermond's Elixers 30x30

Excavated Tomb 60x60 

Fallen Shrine 30x53 

Fallen Titan 45x77

Farmland Crossroads 30x30

Forest Ambush 30x30 

Forest Camp 30x30 

Forest Pond 30x30

Forest Road  

Forest Road -Remastered 30x44

Forest Ruins

Forest Wilderness 60x60

Forrest Road 30x30

Fortified Crossing 30x30

Fortified Homestead 50x50 

Fort Noatra 40x60

Four Island Collection 45x45 

Frigate 54x94

Gallows Tree 33x33

Gardens of Terros 31x44

Gatehouse Bridge 30x30

Gnomish Submarine 57x40 

Golem Dam

Grand Market 45x45

Grasmere Cemetary 33x42

Grasmere Cemetery  

Grassy Hill 30x30 

Griffon Eyrie

Grimshaw Manor

Guardian Bridge 25x56

Hag Pit

Hangmans Bridge

Harpy Nests

Haverhold 54x61

Hedge Maze 40x40

Hell Door

Icebreaker - 29x29

Instant Fortress

Island Shrine  

Jarl's Longhouse

Jungle Ruins

Kraken Attack 45x45

Kraken Den 45x45

Lumbercamp 30x30

Mage's Throneroom

Magic Caravan 

Mangrove Swamp 30x30

Manor Gardens  

Marching Camp


Market Square 35x46 

Marshland 30x30

Milecastle 30x60

Military Camp 50x66

Mind Flayer Lair

Misty Marsh 60x60

Mizara Castle

Monastery of Aurethil

Mosswood Keep 36x44

Mountain Pass - Cliff Edge

Mountain Pass - Peak

Mountain Pass - Plateau

Mountain Pass - Ropebridge

Mountain Pass - Trail

Mountain Pass - Waterfall

Mountain Pass - Road

Mountain Pass - Lake

Mountain Pass - Ascent

Narrow Pass 54x98

Oasis 30x30 

Old Barrow 30x30 

Old Bridge

Orc Warcamp 43x53

Patrician's Plaza 33x54

Pottery Workshop 30x30

Quarry 30x30

Raided Village

Ravenfall Castle

Ravenfall Docks

Ravenfall Market

Reading Room 33x39

Reddrift 60x53

Redwood Forest 40x40 

Rickonolite Dirigable

Rickonolite Dirigable - Animated

Ritual Stones 23x23

Rivenroar Trading Post 50x68

River Bend 30x30 

River Fords 82x54

River Fork 24x33

River Road 30x30

River Styx Bundle


Rocky Bridge 30x30

Rocky Summit 30x30 

Rolling Fields 60x60 

Royal Exchange 46x56

Ruined Chapel 25x27

Ruined Tower  

Runefury 110x41

Running River

Sacred Glade 33x33 - Remastered

Sacred Grove 30x30

Sea Rocks  

Sea Tower

Shack Ruins 30x30

Ships Collection 

Shipyard 53x36 

Shrine Entrance 33x47

Six Feet Undertakers 30x30

Sky Citadel 58x72

Snow Ridge 30x30 

Snowy Bridge 25x25

Standing Stones 30x30 


Stockade 30x90

Stonehaven Bridge

Stone Portal 31x44 

Stormy Bluff 30x30 

Sunken Clearing 30x30 

Swamp Castle Ruins 38x49

Swamp Causeway 30x60

Swamp Cave 30x30

Swamp Jetty 30x30

Swamp of Sorrows 43x61

Swamp Path 30x30

Swamp Runestone 30x30

Swamp Tower 40x66

Swamp Wreck 30x46

Tall Tales 30x30

Tharah's Wharf 44x46 

The Ancient Sword

The Arena 51x94

The Barrows  

The Cartographers Guilds 30x30

The Crimson Serpent - Brigantine 28x46 

The Dwellings  

The Feral Ruins 37x46

The Graveyard 44x36 

The Indomidable - Ship of the Line 56x107 

The Jolly Otter Tavern

The Pit  

The Rope Bridge  

The Sentinels  

The Trireme - Animated Battlemap

Throne Room 31x68

Thundercliff - Dwarven Airship Dock 41x62

Tiered Waterfall 34x49

Tinkerers Tower 36x36

Toll Bridge 22x30

Treetop Hideout 31x47

Tribal Village 40x60 

Tunnel Ambush 24x33

Twin Peaks 50x90

Undead Swamp 28x 51

Underground Market  

Underwater Ruins 40x40 

Village Gate 30x30 

Volcano Horde

Wagon Circle 40x40

Watchtower 30x40 

Waterfall Cave 30x30 

Waterfall Hideout 33x44

Whirlpool 30x30 

Wolf's Den 30x30 


Faros Archipeligo


Realms of Kenelmvar - Patron

The Kingdom of Athad  

The Known World AR347

The Southern Provinces
