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Though our Kingdom, from the jagged northern peaks of the Icecrown Mountains to the plains of Caspua in the far south, is united in our faith in the All Father, remnants of who we once were can still be found.
Indeed while the deities of old, being unwilling or unable to aid mankind in its time of greatest need, have largely fallen from grace, monoliths to their power still stand. Edifices like the Gardens of Terros in the Grey Wilds of Thralia, serve as example.
Now merely the twisted dregs of a culture that was almost annihilated by the Great Scourge, it stands as testament to the capriciousness of those we once worshipped as gods.
Long abandoned, this once great sanctuary has been largely reclaimed by the wilds that surround it, a fitting end perhaps, for a shrine dedicated to Terros, goddess of the Hunt.
- Excerpt from ‘The Fall of the Gods’ by Geoffrey Halstead, Cleric Chronicallor of The Crimson Tower


Hi guys,

Today I have for you our fourth and final major map release for this month’s theme of the Witcher.

Inspired by the Gardens of Freya from the Witcher 3 this battlemap should serve you well as a random location to add some spice to the travels of PCs or perhaps as the location of an ancient artifact they must retrieve.

While the worshippers and pilgrims may have long since stopped coming to this place, there is no telling what creatures may now call this shrine home….

This theme has been a blast to work on, and while we may have only scratched the surface of what the Witcher Universe has to offer I think we have create some awesome maps together!

The poll for next month’s theme will go live tomorrow so make sure you keep an eye out for that.



Join my Patreon community today and gain instant access to my archive of 100s of maps CLICK HERE to find out more.

Or if you want to have a look at all previously release maps to see if this Patreon is for you CLICK HERE

Thank you to everyone for all the support and I hope you enjoy the maps!

Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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