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Just beyond the outskirts of a humble settlement lies an enigmatic and foreboding place, known simply as the Old Barrow. A grassy hill, crowned with weathered and ancient stones, conceals the entrance to a cryptic world beneath.

The villagers speak in hushed tones of the Old Barrow, a place steeped in mystery and shadows. Some claim it to be the final resting place of a once-great king, a ruler whose name has long faded into the whispers of time. Others insist it was once an ancient shrine dedicated to a malevolent deity, a god of darkness and dread. The truth, however, remains obscured by the veils of uncertainty.

Locals advise against venturing too close, cautioning that the safety of the village lies in steering clear of the enigmatic burial site. The superstitions that shroud the Old Barrow have taken root in the hearts of the villagers, fostering an unspoken agreement to keep a respectful distance.

Greeting Adventurers!

Today I have for you, a new battlemap: The Old Barrow!


Free Download / Initiate Mapmaker ($1) / Journeyman Surveyors ($3) / Master Cartographers ($5)

Find more maps here: Cartographer’s Archive List

I thought that given our theme of Villages and Towns, it would be good to create a couple of versatile battlemaps for points of interest that might surround any hypothetical settlement.

Asking for suggestions on our Discord server, I received some great suggestions, one of which being for the map that now stands before you.

This is a FREE release for everyone so please enjoy and let me know what you think! :D

If you aren’t already a Patron, then please consider supporting my work and gain instant access to hundreds of maps, assets, tokens and more!


George - RC
