Dev Log #69 (Nice) - Marching into the new month! (Patreon)
Hi all, welcome to the first dev log for March! Let's get right into the updates!
Quick health update
My ear swelling from last week has been gradually improving since last week. As my luck would have it, it was not a swift recovery as the doc had specified, where his follow-up endoscopy three days from last week (on Monday) showed how the top of my ear canal was sealing shut 80-90% of my ear with its swelling.
However, the good news now is I've regained about 90% of my hearing in my left ear since then, and the swelling (and ear fullness) has subsequently subsided, and is more of a passing moment of discomfort here and there, nothing quite as serious as last week, thankfully!
My body aches and the fever has also subsided early on as well, and I'm glad I'm recovering well (but not as fast as I had hoped).
Development update!
Development has been going at a steady pace. However, I'm finding some plot holes and inconsistencies with the side story as I'm incorporating the renders together with the dialogue in the previously fixed sequence of events.
This, together with being behind on some of the additional scenes in Episode 2 (the renders for these scenes are complete, but not yet incorporated into the game), would mean a slightly longer time for development will be needed to iron out some of the creases!
However, I do intend to move forward with releasing an early build of the game that will include all new scenes added to Episode 2 itself, while having a small introductory segment that is playable for the twins' side story as I smooth out the story beyond this part! This is done as the new scenes of Episode 2 are entirely separate from the twins' side story (which launches from the new menu button that was shown previously). The side story will then be added on for subsequent builds of the game, completing the package of Episode 2: Enhanced!
This release will be communicated the week after next (i.e. sometime from 8th March onwards (i.e. after Dev Log #70 and before Dev Log #71), and I will share the links and details very soon!
Poll discussion
From this dev log onwards, I will also be including the result of any poll that was held in the previous week(s). This should make things less cluttered moving forward, as I usually talk about previous poll results in the current week's poll, making things feel disjointed and messy!
The results of the poll held the week before are a mixed bag, with Cock Vore coming out on top trailed closely behind by Oral Vore! The other vore types (Unbirth, Anal Vore, and Breast Vore) all have a similar result, being a close three-way tie! As always, thank you everyone for taking the time to vote!
Overall, I'm glad to see that the consensus is that, while Cock Vore is a favorite for many, all vore types are seeing a level of interest, be it big or small!
While, understandably, not everyone would be a fan of a specific type of vore, I think it is great to see that everyone has their tastes being represented by Cara in Creekmaw; which I had conceptualized to be the visual novel that encapsulates a variety of vore and vore types!
Even though I probably excel at creating specific vore types (like Cock Vore or Oral Vore), I'm happy that even for those vore types that I'm not so familiar with (i.e. Breast Vore) there are people who also have chosen to be their favorite.
Taking this with a positive foot forward, I am thrilled to see what crazy and bombastic scene I can cook up next with these five vore types in the present day and into the future!
------------------------------------------- E2:E PROGRESS BREAKDOWN -------------------------------
Story: Needs some touch-up and minor reorganization of scenes for the side story!
Renders: 85% done. +266 renders from last week, bringing the total to 1121 + 266 = 1387! Up 10% from last week.
Dialogue: 75% done. Have done Episode 2 additional scenes along with E2:E (twins side story) scenes, stopped to re-evaluate scene flow and to re-organize. Up 15% from last week.
Game Playability: 60% done. Episode 2 additional scenes are done up, leaving the bulk of work to be in E2:E (twins side story). Up 20% from last week.
--------------------------------------------- END OF BREAKDOWN ---------------------------------------
That's all for this week! I will be getting back to work on resolving the loose ends and look to resume the development work on the side story and get things up to the quality I want to release in.
I'll see you all soon!
Stay safe and healthy!