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The Penguin S1 Ep1 Full Length



Man I'm so happy you started this show. BTW if you don't know, the actor, Colin Farrell, looks like this: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2020/08/31/11/colin-farrell-penguin.jpg?quality=75&width=640&auto=webp The transformation/makeup is probably the best I've ever seen. I have a small request if you'd entertain it. There's this short story about the Penguin's origin right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0Fu7NFgLw This is just a 10 minute cover of the comic. It's my favorite shot comic story of all time. It has nothing to do with the show's version of Oz, it won't spoil anything for you, but if you're interested in this character, I could not recommend it more (on your own time ofc). This will deepen your appreciation of the show and the character so much more. I love this character so much dude. You're gonna enjoy the hell out of this show.