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New year, new rules! 

Today I want to talk about some exciting new developments and important changes...

Let me list them for you:

  • Introducing 💣LOSER POINTS:

This is a little experiment... how to ensure that some unpopular characters get a chance to be drawn? It seems Unpopular Tickle Battles are not enough. From NOW ON, the seven characters with the lowest score from a poll will receive a 💣LOSER POINT. (IMPORTANT: Only the seven characters with the lowest score! If a character hasn't won the poll by a small margin... it's considered that the character has a chance of winning later, so they won't earn loser points.) When any of these specific characters have lost seven polls and thus accumulated seven loser points, they will become the direct WINNER of an illustration dedicated to them. If multiple characters reach seven points at the same time, a Tickle Battle may be held among them or an additional illustration for the following month. It will be decided on the spot, with the condition that there can't be more than one unpopular illustration per month. The characters and their loser points will be published each month, so stay tuned!


Starting now, some franchises will be banned monthly when proposing characters (Extreme and Gourmet Members) to prevent the most famous ones from appearing too frequently in polls. In each poll, one or more franchises will be banned based on which ones have appeared recently. For example, if there are too many illustrations of Dragon Ball (for example), Dragon Ball will be banned for a while. In the weekly reminder to propose characters, I will indicate which SAGA cannot be proposed for the week's poll.

  • Launch of the comic📕🐙"PERVERSE DREAMS" on GUMROAD: 

Throughout 2024, I'll release the comic Perverse Dreams on Gumroad. Each issue will consist of 12 pages, so considering that I've already drawn 26, I'll release two volumes for now. Of course, Gourmet Members will be featured in the final credits of each volume and will receive the comic for FREE, as they've contributed to its creation. With just one contribution, the comic will be yours! The comic you receive will contain exclusive material compared to the Gumroad version. Soon, I'll reveal the poster for the first 12-page volume. Stay tuned!


The latest news is that... starting from FEBRUARY, I will OPEN COMMISSIONS! You might wonder, how does this relate to Patreon? Well, a lot! Because those who support me on Patreon will receive a substantial discount compared to the original price. Depending on your membership level, you'll get a greater or lesser discount. As you can imagine, to avoid being overwhelmed, I won't do more than one commission per month. You'll find more details on my DISCORD channel in the new commissions section very soon. (For those who don't follow me on Discord, you'll find the INFO on my usual social media channels: Deviantart, Pixiv, etc.) I will provide you with the details at the end of January!


😊Thanks to everyone for your support, and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to share them with me! 



OMG YAY!! Commissions are coming back❤️❤️❤️

Jorge Lopez

Yay, glad the lovers are getting love🙏 a lot to digest but so happy for this news. Hope you also take care and don't burn yourself out as well🙏❤️