New free audio on Tuesday plus life update! (And I'm back from my mini break) (Patreon)
Hello my Moonlights! How have you been? I never announced my mini break (because it kinda happened on impulse from writers block), but I wanted to say I'm back and with a new spicy audio for you all (and its free!). I'll have a more detailed explanation regarding my sudden break over on my community post on youtube on Tuesday, while down below will be an update on my future plans.
So first off, I want to give out another free spicy audio to you all to make up for disappearing all of a sudden and to also say thank you once more for all of your love and support even when I'm gone like this ;3;. It means the absolute world to me that you all still choose to support me financially after all this time! But long story short, I'll be shifting my focus a bit more on Patreon content from now on! Don't worry, youtube audios will still be exactly the same (around every 2 weeks or so with the same quality), but I'll be putting a bit more time and energy into Patreon! I want to begin bringing more attention to my Patreon page hopefully so that I can save up for new VA equipment (mics, maybe a vocal booth :0, new editing software, that 3Dio binural thingy, etc), and just in general hopefully become financially stable enough to make this my full time job! That also means better audio quality if I'm able to upgrade my gear in the future! uwu
I love youtube, but realistically it doesn't pay me much due to its monetization rules (did you know that any kissing sounds in the audio gets you limited ads?) and financially it's something I worry about. If I am able to be financially stable here on Patreon, then I can put my all into making audios for my community without having to worry about such things! And if it seems I'm now just doing this for the money or if I do not care about my community anymore, I promise you that is not true. I just simply don't want to be homeless, you know? And if I was, I wouldn't be able to make audios for everyone :c And to be able to have the income to live on my own AND be able to invest in new equipment for audios? Imagine how great that would be?!
Overall, I've been thinking a lot about my future and about my content. And I just hope that with Patreon and with my community, I'm able to continue doing this as long as I can. And I hope you'll join me for the ride! ^^
And I hope everyone enjoys the new audio on Tuesday!! (lots of subbiness hehe~)
Much Love, Haven 🤍