Next NSFW Audio Poll! (And Future Content)
- Non-Character NSFW (+More frequent Non-Character audios in the future. We want more spice!) 16
- Character NSFW (+Stick with Character audios, we want more Luca :c) 69
Hello Moonlights! I have two ideas for the next NSFW audio. but I can't decide on which one! Please let me know your choice below >:3 This is also for me to collect information on whether you guys want to see more NSFW audios that aren't apart my characters or channel but more just random NSFW scenarios. Going this route would let me create more crazy and wild audios as I wouldn't be restricted to the storyline of the character usually.
I've been thinking about doing just pure NSFW scenarios not connected to any characters or anything just for the fun of it and to let my imagination run wild for a while now lols. There's so many hot and steamy ideas that I want to incorporate into my NSFW audios (kinks, toys, power dynamics, etc) that I can't do with my usual character audios since it has to fit within the content of the character and story. I'm thinking of playing around with some Non-Character audios anyways just cause I want to, but either way, let me know your thoughts~