Knot Expected Sketch (Patreon)
2022-05-31 15:13:03
Good day, loves.
My apologies for the absence and being so quiet lately, I forgot to mention a went to a wedding. It was a short trip to get there, but I ended up a bit more tired than I anticipated. ^^"
Which is also, why I couldn't upload the emojis on the server immediately after posting them. So I might take a couple of days to get back on track, but I wanted to show you what is next on schedule. I am back with the commissions I left on the waiting list.
And it seems that my staff was a lot more popular than I could've anticipated. ^^"
Also, the angle for this piece required a bit of additional information requested in the details, so just a couple of things changed along the way.
But do let me know what you think so far.