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I was nearly done with the outlines on the first one but then decided that, yes, to depict everything correctly I'll need to add scales to the snake and the snake tattoo.
So I have no idea when this one will be done, I feel like it will be worth it in the end though.
The second one is a calm down piece between studies and other stuff. Self indulgent soft fanart. I hope you are not sick of it yet ^^'

I hope you are all safe and healthy,
<3 Sarah




Is there a special meaning behind the snake Tattoo? Really loving the ambience of the First picture 🤗 and there is never enough fanart of the witcher 😂


That flower crown is SO gorgeous, Sarah!!! It's insane how much detail you put into it!


Thanks a lot! I tend to add details over details, haha, I hope they'll still be visible once there is color on it.


Ah, glad to hear that. I am in a Witcher mood right now, it is neat to be able to escape and do something like fanart. And the basic idea behind this one was that he is a bit like a spring deity. So the symbolism behind the snake usually is about rebirth (because they shed their skin) and I wante dto incorporate that a bit. Since this years spring is a weird one.