Art Veggies - Colors (Patreon)
I'll go on a rant here so I am already so very sorry if you read through my posts.
Here it goes... I hate working with color. I love what people do with it, there are some artists out there that do amazing things with muted color palettes, they work with greys and add just a bit of color that gives everything such a unique look. But I just can't do it. Or I just can't do it yet. Right now I tend to oversaturate my work because I can't stop adding colors. It all starts out pretty okay and then I dip into the paint pot and everything is super bright. In general I am okay with it, but sometimes I tend to wish I could be more subtle.
So this is the thing I took away from the last four weeks of doing studies, I really want to get better at colors. And do figure drawings more regularly.
I did not do a lot of color studies, i even skipped it completely last week, because I did not find a satisfactory way to do them. The two painting studies from pictures that are attached to this post are what i did the first two weeks. I learned a lot but I something another artist said stuck with me: doing color studies from photos is a hard thing at the beginning, it is easier to do so from paintings because there the artist already made the choice for which colors to use. So I guess I'll do some master studies of artists I admire. I only have a few classics that I wrote on my list yet. Do you have any that you'd like to recommend?
The third week I tried to do a sketch with a limited color palette and only one bright color. It's better but yeah, I think after doing so much black and white work over the years, colors are something I'll have to get used to some more.
<3 Sarah