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Throwing out a page of this before we're all consumed by the season 2 hype. I honestly can't say what I will be up to this weekend. I probably won't draw anything season 2 related in a bit because I have uni stuff to do and then there's the holidays. And I kind of don't want to spoil people that can't watch immediately either? So if I am inspired to do a quick sketch or something I will spoilerwarn it. But I hope you have no expectations. I am trying to think of it like this: I need to maintain my own hype so the longer creators take to make new stuff the longer we have content? I hope all of you feel similar XD It's the holidays, no stress (additional stress) allowed.

I hope you'll enjoy the season whenever you watch it and that your weekend is nice.
Take care and stay safe




Hhggnn i love this. 😍