Request Illustration Layered Files (nsfw)(downloadable content) (Patreon)
I am telling you I had this queued and I thought it would post yesterday but apparently I filled out the wrong day in the calendar? When i checked Patreon and it was not posted to day I checked my drafts and there it was XD So I am sorry, I'm a day late even though I did, for a change, get it done in time.
I don't know if there is a lot to say about this one. I cleaned up the layers for the psd and clip file, hopefully making it more understandable. I had more layers on this one while working on it, you can see in the last pic which is a screenshot of the layers tab in progress, but like always it was a real mess. All unnamed layers and experimentation I don't delete because "maybe I'll use it in the end" XD I did attach the progress pics from the original post as well as the high res versions of the pic. I know I already shared this but Patreon is hard enough to scroll through, maybe this helps a little.
I don't know what to write, if you have any questions feel free to hit me up? I'm always open to explain something or help out or share brushes or whatever.
Take care and stay safe