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Password is: twds1ep6

Here is my reaction to episode 6 of TWD Season 1, enjoy!


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Sweet :)

Karen Davidson

Aww I luv this ep so much ❤️“Your head ain’t” ah Daryl 😂I also want to start Haven but the good place, how to get away with murder is back! Walking dead and supernatural soon too! And I’ve just started s1 of AHS (finally) you and/or your bro should do some sort of chat after premiere of walking dead if you can 😂😂


Such a good line from Daryl, gets me every time! Haven seems like it's going to be a fun show to watch, I enjoyed the first episode. I know how you feel though, all these shows coming back but wanting to start new ones is a pain! Me and David are gonna figure out how to do that, since we aren't able to watch it until after it's finishing airing in the US though, it means our live chat won't be directly after the episode so we're not sure if people will tune in!

Karen Davidson

I can’t watch till the Monday night. Uk sucks 😭😭btw I have given up on ftwd ☹️It’s so sad as I care about Morgan and Dwight ☹️