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Lfg such a tease 😩


The Night King was created way before Daemons time


So I guess 4 seasons have been confirmed as the set endpoint for the series. So we'll get a 3rd which will also be apparently truncated down to 8 episodes and a final 4th season. I know a lot of people were disappointed with the "underwhelming" finale to this season but I have to say I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see more. Apparently the big "dance with dragons" people were expecting in this episode didn't happen allegedly due to some budgetary concerns but I was happy with the ending personally and can't wait to see where it goes.

Amy the CheshireCat

Well that was awesome, but it is time for us to chill for a couple years. Good watching this season with you guys! Good to see you again Jamie. The Night King was from the histories waaaaay before Daemon. They believe the Night King was possibly a Stark. That tree gave him the visual Song of Ice and Fire. The book Fire and Blood is written from different Maester's point of views and that is the fun part. I am a book reader but I still don't know what they will end up doing. Many things were already changed. The changes were good for me, it makes it more exciting


No he is not the night king, the night walkers have been alived longer than them, I think yall missed the seen with danerys and her 3 dragons there, he saw the future.

Thomas Midena

Love watching these shows with you mob. Rings of Power this month too! Epic.

Alen The ALl-in

at the end GoT was 8 episodes too


So during Daemons vision, that WASN'T the Night King- Just a white walker. The Night King is bald with the little horns on his head