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Jyn Jilly

First 45 min - 1 hr of this are genuinely great imo. I can't imagine someone disliking that part. It does get you a bit invested or at the very least interested in the stakes and characters But the recruitment scenes got repetitive and bland. Let me be clear, after the first 45 minutes I was saying out loud "This is the movie people are hating on? This is incredible!" I was loving it. But then by the end I understood why it didn't resonate with many. For the recruitment stuff it seemed like we met a new character, got a brief introduction on their background, watched them fight, and that was it. Then they repeated that like 3-4 times. I feel like Charlie Hunham's character should have been the wild, fun and lovable one and brought some humor into the group. To use Suicide Squad as an example, he should have been the Harley Quinn of the group. But he was played too straight and too serious like everyone else. So when he betrayed them there was no real emotion felt by the audience. We barely knew him. Just like Rogue One, I feel like more time should have been spent with getting to know the characters. Watching them interact. Maybe having some humor and inside jokes with the crew. Say what you will about Suicide Squad 2016 but at least the crew were fun and they felt bonded by the end of the film. I actually think the team in Suicide Squad 2016 is a better team/ensemble than the ones in Rebel Moon and Rogue One. Even though I do think Rebel Moon and Rogue One are better films overall. I did like this though. Definitely didn't hate it and am interested in seeing the sequel. And maybe the extended cut is better. Will you guys react to the extended cut when it comes out?

Lady Danish

I totally get what you saying. It's rushed and now that Zack has said their is a rated R director's cut to come I have a feeling it will flesh everything out better.

Jyn Jilly

Yeah I'm interested to see that. But I have no idea why that wasn't the film that was released.


this kinda reminding me of starkiller. they even called her "scargiver" lemme find out they were pitching a starkiller movie to disney.