Jason's Monthly Blog for May (Patreon)
This is something new that I am going to try each and every month to give you a peek behind the curtain. There is no actual curtain. I’m just using that as a phrase. Anyways. This Patreon Exclusive blog will let you see some of the stuff that I’m working on while at the same time giving you some sneak peeks at projects to come!
On the Youtube side of things, I’ve been mainly planning on what to do once all the rad CW DCTV shows. (If any of you have suggestions, please comment below.) One of my ideas is to do a series of image based videos based around the different origins of Wonder Woman. I don’t think many people know that she has over 4 different origins! It’s a chancy video to make because I have no evidence that the views will support it. But your support here on Patreon helps to alleviate that problem.
Over at Geek History Lesson, Ashley and I have just decided our next 5 topics and are deep in research on all of them. One of them will be quite different from any episode that we’ve ever had/ Who’s ready for the Baywatch episode?? Also coming down the pipeline is our Wonder Woman Golden Age episode which will get as kooky and silly as our Superman and Batman Golden Age episodes. Plus, we just booked a special guest for that episode, Susan Eisenberg, the voice of Wonder Woman on the Justice League cartoon! Finally, we have some GHL pins that will soon go on sale and some of them will be sent to you lucky patrons!
Now, let’s talk about writing. I bet many of you would be surprised how much writing I do or have to do on the side of the above things. Right now, I’m on page 32 of a spec script that I can’t tell you anymore about. Also, Ashley and I are in the middle of writing Issue 5 of Jupiter Jet, our Kickstarter comic book. It’s kinda sad to write the final chapter of our jetpack girl, but I am trying to pack as much emotional punch into the final issue that I can. My Twitter activity put another project on my plate as well. I’ve always wanted to write a comic story about my time in Iraq and I’ve pitched it to many places. But I’ve had no bites until Twitter. So it looks like this year, I will finally write a story about my time in Iraq called Blacksheep. And I will try to update you on that progress as we continue these.
Oh! And next week, I will be in New York City for TV Upfronts for DC All Access! Any New York Patrons out there??
So I hope that gives you an idea about my comings and goings. As the face of Youtube changes, this support here on Patreon is going to make a bigger and bigger difference on whether I can continue to make these videos and podcasts. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
Thank you
Jason Inman
PS - Anyone see the new $25 level?? I’ll randomly mail you something every month, but I also want to add something else to it too. Maybe a Monthly Movie Watch Stream? What do you think?