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Hey Everyone and hello to all the new patrons, 

This is a new feature that I'm going to start doing every Wednesday for all of our patrons as a little plus for your support. 

You know how much I love comics and this is the perfect place for me to spotlight some of the comics that I love and think you should read.

My first pick is Astor City by Kurt Busiek. It's one of my favorite superhero series of all time. This book started at Image and then eventually moved to Vertigo comics.

It's a superhero anthology book with a giant cast of rotating characters and almost every issue is a one in done story. The city itself has long history of over 100 years and the stories will criss cross through time.

The main team of Astor City is the Honor Guard. Consisting of Samaritan, The Confessor and Winged Victory, who may look similar to a certain Trinity if you look closely. But several of the tales revolve around normal people in the city too and how the supers affect their normal lives. Like one man who has forgotten his wife because of the last cosmic event (think Crisis on Infinite Earths!)

It's a comic for everyone and has soo much heart. If you love superheroes, you will love Astro City.

The original volume is out of print but here is the link to the new series volume through Vertigo - http://amzn.to/2Dxf6p9

Don't worry. This is anthology series. Any point is a great jumping on point for new readers. I hope some of you pick it up and give it a try. It's one of my favorites.

Thank you for the support, superfriends!




I love this series so much! I am waiting for the rest of the current run to come out in trade so I can have an up to date collection again.