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Wide shot. Back in the workshop. It’s early morning, maybe 15 minutes since the last page. Chuck stands over a table that has the green device and the jetpack on it. The jetpack is still glowing. He’s explaining things quite dramatically. Jackie walks up behind him looking very tired and wearing her dress from Page 7 - (https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--hKNbgK-i--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/rr4hkbjcvh57x3nzmfuo.png). Over that dress she has a shorter version of the coat Amelia Earhart is wearing in this picture. (https://airandspace.si.edu/sites/default/files/images/78-16945h.jpg). 

1. JACKY: Why did you wake me and tell me to put on my dress?

2. CHUCK: Your jetpack has been glowing for hours!

3. JACKY: And you have no idea why, right?

4. CHUCK: Wrong!


Technical schematic of the jetpack. It’s leaned up on the table giving us a clear view of it for the first time. The main door on it is open, exposing the blue sphere that is the power source. Just show the jetpack in this shot as this panel will have a lot of technical captions on it.

1. CHUCK: I figure out everything I tinker with, Jackie.

2. CHUCK (LINKED BALLOON): Seven months ago, we found this jetpack. We had no idea what it did. A couple months later, I crack it open and make it fly like a Douglas DC-3. Smooth as ice cream.

3. TECHNICAL CAPTION: Patent leather treated with trivalent chromium and vegetable tannins, alum, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and heavy oils. Shoulder strap.

4. TECHNICAL CAPTION: Mysterious power source with energy reading.

5. TECHNICAL CAPTION: Exhaust pipes


Chuck with his finger up in the air is very impressed with his genius. Jacky is not and wants him to get on with it. 

1. CHUCK: But, the new device interrupts the power flow of the jetpack. Since I have no earthly idea what powers your jetpack, I thought maybe they were asymmetrical. However, the new device’s power output is not stable. So, I had to assume --

2. JACKY: Chuck! Get to the point!



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