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This video is something that the patrons are directly responsible for and I want to thank you. Your support allows us to take the time to research, compile, write, film and edit deep dive nerd content like this that we were not in a position to before.

To celebrate Black Panther we delve into the question: How Advanced is Wakanda? and it is a very big answer.

If you like this video, please let me know. Please like and share it with another nerdy friend who might also be interested.  We are currently wrapping up the next deep dive video that we hope you'll dig as well.


How Advanced is Wakanda? - Black Panther Explained

Trying out a new kind of video to explain a burning question, I had - How Advanced is Wakanda? - Black Panther Explained Become a SuperFriend on my Patreon!► https://goo.gl/L8k2kP Listen to our podcast► https://www.geekhistorylesson.com/ PLAYLISTS FOR SHOWS The Flash Season 4►https://goo.gl/XQtRQr DCTV Recap► https://goo.gl/OVEWB1 Geek History Lesson► https://goo.gl/4Hrtfp Comic Book Videos► https://goo.gl/m6WNy4 The Flash Season 3► https://goo.gl/EpnFmD JUSTICE LEAGUE Explained ►https://goo.gl/KsK3dH


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