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Greetings Super Friends,

I am fortunate enough to have supporters all over the world. It’s an amazing honor to know you all share my love of geekery. Today, in the United States, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. In the spirit of the holiday I wanted to come here and thank you directly for your ongoing support of all my crazy projects.

Thank-you for tuning in to Geek History Lesson week after week. For rating the podcast. For participating in our discussions. For suggesting new topics and going with us as we’ve tried out new show formats this year. I’ve said it on the podcast before, but there was a time when we weren’t sure GHL was something we could sustain. It was your encouragement and enthusiasm which had grown our catalogue to nearly 250 episodes - plus Geek History Lesson Extra, Jason & Ashley’s Excellent Adventures, and regular Audio Commentaries. We’re looking forward to trying more new and possible live events next year.

Thank-you for sticking with our Youtube channel as it has evolved over the past year. We’ve introduced new shows, new collaborators, and axed some of our old standards. The core group of you viewers who stick around and provide respectful feedback (and engage in the giveaways!), have really helped to keep us grounded as we’ve had to reevaluate the channel in the wake of new projects and jobs this year.

Thank-you for reading out comics. For supporting us here on Patreon and on the Kickstarter campaigns for both Jupiter Jet and Science! without you, Ashley and I would not be in a position where we could afford to tell these stories. Getting your feedback, including your cameos, and engaging in scripts reviews has been invaluable. We look forward to sharing more of Science! with you as it comes together and sharing some of the other comic book projects in the hopper with you. We tease things we’re working on here often and being able to deliver the final product to you after all your words of encouragement is such a joy.

Finally, thank-you for engaging with us regularly. Across social media, here on Patreon, in the Mind University Facebook Group, and at cons, there’s nothing we love more than getting to connect the real person with the online friend. Thank-you for being our friends and for sticking by us.

Happy Turkey Day!


Jason Inman


Josh Razauskas

❤️ y’all happy thanksgiving!