Aurora & The Eagle - A New Comic Book! (Patreon)
Hi Super Friends, I'm going to let my GHL cohost Ashley Victoria Robinson take over this post. Take it away!
Ashley here *waves* your friendly neighbourhood Canadian! As you've read teased in a bunch of the blog updates - and probably seen on my social media - I am launching a Kickstarter on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13th, 2019 for my comic book project AURORA & THE EAGLE!
Imagine a world where the Justice League operates like the United Nations. The Unity League features a superheroic representative from every country. When the Canadian representative dies mysterious, AURORA BOREALIS (with the power of the Northern Lights) is tasked to step up. American hero - THE EAGLE - is sent to recruit Aurora and bring her to the United States to begin her training.
This Kickstarter is for the first 20 pages of the Original Graphic Novel and it's for my American citizenship! I'm doing my final application and that means hefty lawyer and application fees. Donating to this Kickstarter is pledging to help me become a dual citizen, stay with my family in the United States, and begin my American dream.
If you've missed our Kickstarters in the past at the $25 Level ($20 if you are among the first 50 to donate!), I've created a digital Humble Bundle of all my published works to date including: Witchblade #175, Apollo IX #1, Terrific, Thief, and Jupiter Jet vol 1!
Over the years all of you Super Friends have been such AMAZING SUPPORTERS, so I want to offer you a special something for donating to my most personal project. If you donate and send me a screen shot to AURORAANDTHEEAGLE@GMAIL.COM I will send you an EXCLUSIVE SIGNED BOOKMARK that will not be offered to anyone else in the world!
... art coming soon! Keep your eyes peeled on this space in the coming days!
March is My Birthday Month!
March is Women's History Month!
March is My Citizenship Application!
If you have ever wanted to give me a birthday gift, please consider donating to make Aurora & The Eagle come to life! On Wednesday, March 13th (New Comic Book Day!), will link you directly to the campaign.
From the bottom of my heart, thank-you for reading this post, and thank-you for all the love & support.