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Sal from Comic Pop! returns to continue our discussion from the main episode. We've already covered whether Shazam! should be in the main Comic Book DC Universe ... but should he be in a shared Cinematic Universe?



Trey McKnight

While I will agree that people like different things, I took my father to see B v S and he was so disappointed in it. He grew up reading the silver age Superman and Batman and he said that was not what he saw. I will say that the majority of people that love those characters don’t want to see grim dark and depressing. Justice League was better but I agree with your guest that it would have been much better if the lightened moods were done originally and not in post production. But back on to the movie Shazam....What I would like to know is if he uses the Wisdom of Solomon in the movie. Because I really haven’t seen that in the small amount of Shazam I’ve read in comics. Even in Kingdom Come he makes unwise decisions.


Wanna fix the name problem? Call the book shazam, have the hero's name be Captain Thunder! Why, because Billy made it up one day while he was drawing in class. There ya go!