A Call for Super Soldiers! (Patreon)
Hey superfriends,
As you know, my book came out this week, and it's been amazing seeing all the positive reactions to it. Thank you.
What you may not know is that reviews and ratings for a book on Amazon and Goodreads can help a book more than you know. Amazon and Goodreads will suggest books to new readers based on the number of ratings and reviews.
So my goal is to get to 50 reviews on Amazon in a month! If you've read Super Soldiers, please march over to Amazon and Goodreads (both are important!) and take 30 seconds to leave a review.
(Fun Fact: You don't even have to buy the book from Amazon to leave a review there.)
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2uhfbu8
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42480532-super-soldiers …