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Hey Patrons, 

Happy Veterans Month!

Happy Jawiin Comic Drive Month!

Happy American Thanksgiving Month!

As you can probably already tell from the posts going up in the feed we at JAWIIN HQ have a packed November already and it has hardly started!

This year we are celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of the JAWIIN COMIC DRIVE FOR SERVICE MEMBERS!


Our goal is to raise 15,000 Comic Books to donate to American troops overseas, recuperating in hospitals all over the world, and to their families back home.

You can find full details on our OFFICIAL WEBSITE! 

Not only are we partnering with Operation Gratitude again this year, but we are partnering with LA-based comic shop Collectors Paradise! Their three locations will act a drop off centers and they are hosting a Kick Off Event on Sunday, November 10th!

Full Event Details!  

We are really hoping to see SoCal patrons at the live event!

Please keep reviewing Super Soldiers! All of the feedback has been incredible and is still available for sale! If you have read the book don’t forget to:

If you’ve been dragging your heels on reviewing this is the perfect month to DO IT! We’re trying to get both sites reviews over 100. I have over 400 super friends here so I know we can do it. 

I’m so thankful for the reviews I have so far that if you review SUPER SOLDIERS on AMAZON & GOODREADS, please shoot me an email at jasoninmanauthor@gmail.com. Send me your user name on both places and I’ll send you something cool for your trouble as a special thanks. 

Want to read some comics? Science! Elements of Dark Energy is still available for PRE-ORDER!!

It hits shelves on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 2019! This makes is a wonderful holiday gift! GET IT ON AMAZON!! 


Not a patient reader? You can get your hands on SCIENCE! in digital form on Comixology RIGHT NOW!  

We announced the next batch of Geek History Lesson episodes! Some of you may have noticed that Spirited Away and Falcon were swapped from the original release order. This is because we felt SPIRITED AWAY was much more in the Hallowe’en spirited and really wanted it to come out this week. After FALCON drops we’re going to release our How to Write SciFi: Fiction Based on Real Science panel from Los Angeles Comic Con into the podcast feed for all of you to hear! 

The next Book Club episode is coming up on DARTH VADER vol 1: IMPERIAL MACHINE:

  • If you still need to pick up a copy of the book get it HERE!  
  • If you haven’t left a comment that could be read on the episode, leave it on the Original Post!  

The TENTH EPISODE of Crisis Club dropped in your feeds and our 3/4 MAILBAG EPISODE dropped earlier this week answering a bunch of awesome questions from the patreon while discussing some of the newest revelations Instagram brought to the public. The MAILBAG EPISODE was particularly long because we were so enthused to chat about it! There’s going to be a big update about CRISIS CLUB coming toward the end of this month/beginning of December. We’ll reveal what next year’s Club is going to be and details about the Enamel Pins shipping out!

We dropped a hint this morning about the 2019 JAWIIN HOLIDAY CARD! Take a peek at our exclusive art by DARBI artist Sherard Jackson! You’ll actually get to hear from Sherard on our HOW TO WRITE SCIFI podast episode in a couple weeks!

My Super-Secret Real World Job has settled into our new offices and I have a pretty nice view. Things are starting to get exciting in the office even as the year is winding down for everyone else. And one of the writer’s I’m working with is a big idol of mine and helped to shepherd in one of my favorite TV shows of all time. So I’m dying to tell you guys. 

Without you, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish half of what I have. So: thank-you!

Thank you

Jason Inman


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