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Hey Patrons, 

Happy Women’s History Month!

Happy Ashley’s Birthday Month!

You know in television and movies when they are “Good new or bad news?” well … I’ve made the decision for you and we’re starting with the bad news. In the previous MONTHLY BLOG UPDATE I announced that Ashley and I would be appearing LIVE at Wonder Con 2020. As of today: we will not be attending Wonder Con this year. This is not a decision we’ve taken lightly, however, in light of health and virus concerns we’re electing to stay out of the Anaheim Convention Center and work on making more cool things as quickly as possible! If you were planning to see us there - have no fear! - there will be lots of opportunities to meet up in future.

As of right now you are the first people we are telling about our WONDER CON decision. Super Friends are our best supporters and some of our closest friends, so we feel strongly about giving you a head’s up first.

JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO has wrapped up on Kickstarter! Presently, we are waiting for the funds to transfer from Kickstarter to our bank account in order to start paying our creative team for their hard work and start moving forward into the printing and processing of the Original Graphic Novel. Presently, we are wrapping up the creative process on pages 60 - 80. After this Ashley and I will enter the home stretch! Soon we’ll be wrapping up the second adventure of our very own JUPITER JET!

Once the funds have transferred and we start producing rewards we’ll be opening a BackerKit shop (like we did with the previous JUPITER JET and SCIENCE! campaigns), so if you missed anything during the original campaign you’ll have ONE LAST CHANCE to snap them up!

Hey, while I’m writing about SCIENCE! Here is your reminder: Science! The Elements of Dark Energy is out in the world and available at all fine retailers of books! You can get signed & personalized copies from my website. If you read SCIENCE! and liked it - or if you read SCIENCE! and did not like it - please:

Last week we announced our next block of Geek History Lesson episodes and this week we dropped our 300TH EPISODE EARLY! Spoiler alert: next week we’re probably doing the same thing! Production on the podcast has been crazy lately, but we’re so excited for you to hear new episodes. Our upcoming episode on BEST DIGIDESTINED EVER is sponsored by Toei Animation (the people who make Digimon!), we have 2 SPECTACULAR GUESTS, and Operation New Mics is a success! I’ll also tease that we’ve been courting a pretty cool guest to join us in future and we’re looking for the right place to slot them in. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for an announcement about that forthcoming! 

Blackest Night Club IS ALMOST HERE! The SPECIAL OFFER runs until March 10th! We want to make sure all of our AMAZING SUPER FRIENDS get as much AMAZING SWAG as humanly - on inhumanly!!! - possible! We’re HALFWAY through recording our episodes and Awesome Editor Adam (returning after collabing on #CrisisClub), is turning in completed episodes! We’re covering about 10 times as many issues as we did last year during CRISIS CLUB and I can’t wait for you to see what we get into!

Secret Mail Level supporters will be receiving individualized items from the JAWIIN collection this month. If you loved our STAR TREK print pair I drew last month be sure to get on the SECRET MAIL LEVEL because we’ll be sending out another pair in APRIL! 

Without you, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish half of what I have. So: thank-you!

Thank you

Jason Inman



Sorry to hear about Wondercon, but 110% completely understand and I know there will be other events, and can't wait for all the new episodes, especially the Digimon Episode! :)

Netero H

Don't bury the lead... Happy Birthday, Ashley! Hope you guys avoid all the virus nonsense and thanks for all the output you produce!! 😊