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Studio Ghibli is known for focusing their stories around young women and so are we! Jason and Ashley talk about what they think are key factors with a lot of examples from Jupiter Jet!




Jason- I've read your short story "the Photograph" & really enjoyed it. The pacing was even and the writing made me feel like i was reading a modernized Golden Age tale. Is there an anthology simillar to Not Forgotten? sounds interesting.


This was another great and interesting GHL Extra. One thing I personally appreciate about Jupiter Jet is the way she not only embodies all the things you talk about here but, as an older sister who was responsible for caring for and looking after my younger brother from a very young age, I think you do a wonderful job of representing that dynamic between Jackie and Chuck. I may be projecting but there is a kind of 'us against the world' element to their relationship that underlies so many sibling relationships from difficult childhoods, and in JJ Vol. 1 I felt like this was shown in such a subtle nuanced way, in how they both value and protect their independence as a team and hold even the trusted adults in their lives kind of at arm's length. I think there is a huge difference in temperament between young people who have to take on responsibility beyond their years or who experience trauma or difficult things very early on and those that don't. This is everything from the way they react to certain situations, to how they interact with their peers and the way they approach adults and having to work through their own maturity and emotions whilst also managing that of those who might depend on them, and the ways the inevitably make mistakes. I don't feel like I'm really articulating it properly here but it's a dynamic and a set of traits that I often see done poorly across so many genres but even when she's literally flying off to do all kinds of crazy and wild things, it was that relationship that kept the story grounded in reality (for me) and really sold my emotional investment.


So glad you enjoyed it! That was a story that I'm very proud of. As to your question, I don't know of any other anthologies like that.