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Time for the Mind University to give our thoughts on the year that was 2020! What are Jason and Ashley's choices for the Best Movies, TV, and comics? SPOILER WARNING for 2020 movies and shows. 



Tom Trainor

My list looks a lot like yours, probably due to your suggestions Favorite comic: Unquestionably Superman Smashes the Klan Favorite Movie: Trial of the Chicago 7 Favorite Comic Book Movie: I liked Birds of Prey more than most Favorite TV Show: Schitts Creek followed closely by Kim’s Convenience and Harley Quinn Favorite Podcast: Besides GHL, the Ralph Report and Sincast by CinemaSins I didn’t read a prose book this year so favorite older comics I read for the first time this year: the deluxe hardcover of Black Magick (been diving into Nicola Scott art at your suggestion and just loving everything she’s ever done)


I have way back behind on my modern comic book but read in 2020 watchmen favorite movie is spike Lee da blood my favorite superhero movie wonder woman 1984 my favorite TV show is crub your enthusiasm season 10 my favorite superhero TV show is doom patrol season 2 my prose book is behind the horror the true story that inspired horror movies my podcast favorite is just kings things and of course geek history my favorite geek history lesson episode is hbo watchmen