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In homage to Illyana (Magik), and Piotr (Colossus), we delve into Quirk Books' list of BEST SIBLINGS IN COMIC BOOKS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS:


Was anyone left off the list? Did we forget to mention anyone? Let us know down in the comments!




I do think that at least Death and Dream count as having a sibling relationship. Would say the same about Delirium, because volume 7 is all about their sibling relationships. Cain and Abel are also important Sandman characters (and DC Comics characters, historically), so Ashley was on point!


You guys forgot a few classic superhero siblings. Garth and Ayla Ranzz from the Legion of Superheroes, Jade and Obsidian, and Power Pack! I'd also add Roy Harper, Connor Hawke, and Mia Dearden are all siblings, and I think in that Jason was adopted in the New Earth continuity, and so was Cassandra Cain.