July Blog! (Patreon)
Hey Patrons,
Happy Halfway Through 2021!
This is a big month in JAWIIN HQ! My real world job is ramping up and I’m going to be writing an episode of television. It’s something I’ve been working toward for a long time and I am super, super excited about! This means the storytelling Super Friends have helped me work on for years is going to take a leap to a new stratosphere. Thank-you for being a part of this journey with me.
If you’re a Super Friend with access to the Discord you might catch peaks at the process and what I’m watching/reading to inform what I’m writing.
Geek History Lesson has had a bunch of awesome guests lately and we have more coming your way! It’s just the professors this week covering BLACK WIDOW (YELENA BELOVA), in conjunction with the Black Widow movie coming out. BTW we saw a BW screener last week and have answered spoiled-filled questions in our #Black-Widow Discord channel. If you were hoping to get our thoughts on the movie that is the place to do it! Next week’s episode will cover POISON IVY and our guest HAS SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT TO DO ON THE HARLEY QUINN SHOW! Announcement coming later this week, so keep your eyes on the feed.
Geek History Lesson Extra tries to tackle the integrity of the MCU timeline and it was a real DOOZY to record. Don’t forget to comment your Extra Thought Of The Episode!
JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE drops our latest episode this week. How many sound effects do we have on the pod to date? ONLY ONE AND IT WILL REMAIN ONLY ONE! Can you believe it we’ve made it all the way to 10 episodes? 11 When the new one drops!
There’s going to be a recording session in the coming weekends with even more guests for GHL and double duty for JUSTICE POD.
AURORA & THE EAGLE has pushed back its Kickstarter launch a couple months to accommodate the NEW COVER ARTIST Ashley finally signed this week. The lettering should be starting in the next fews days. Watch this space for the first sneak peek of what that is going to look like in it’s next iteration - WITH MOAR PAGES - “physical copies”? Who said that!?
SUPER BEST FRIEND Issue Two is being drawn as we speak by George Kambadais. The Kickstarter for that comic might be pushed back to 2022, but that all depends on how busy I get with my television scripting duties.
This is your monthly reminder: If you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO! and liked it - or if you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO and did not like it - please leave a review:
Don’t forget to follow Jason and Ashley while you’re there! If you like the “What We’re Reading” section of JASON & ASHLEY’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURES then you are going to love following us on GoodReads!
FUN FACT: we’re begun planning the 2021 Jawiin Charity Drive for Service Members!
“BUT, JASON, IT’S JULY!?!?!?!?!?”
“Yes, Super Friend, yes, it is.”
The latest Jason and Ashley’s Excellent Adventures drops in a couple weeks. This will make it a little later than usual, becaaaauuuuuse ... it was originally going to be a previously recorded episode, but since Richard Donner passed away we’re going to have a discussion about SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE and the profound effect Mr. Donner had one the geek pop culture sphere and the language of cinema. It’s something we’ll be recording during the next batch of podcast recording alluded to earlier.
Secret Mail Level patrons are getting COMIC BOOK GRAB BAGS! This is one of our favorite recurring rewards to send out to peeps. You’ll get a direct look inside what we’ve used to fuel SUPER BEST FRIEND and AURORA & THE EAGLE’s new evolutions this year.
Thank you for sticking with us through the first half of 2021! There are bigger, wilder things coming down the pike from Kickstarters to anniversaries to events to charity and we are so thrilled to have you walking this path with us.
Thank you
Jason Inman