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Hey Patrons,

Happy Hallowe’en!

Spook Season is upon us bringing JAMES BOND and DUNE to our Silver Screens around the world and giving us a plethora of GEEK HISTORY LESSON content to create which we have had both banked for a long, long, long time, and are recording brand new with some badass guests just for you! If you’ve been following me on social media for some time (@jawiin everywhere), you know how much I’ve been looking forward to NO TIME TO DIE for literal years.

James Bond is a film series we remember watching with our fathers growing up. The Mind University is a family. Thus, it makes sense we would all finally get together for a slough of upcoming James Bond content.

Geek History Lesson has been a lot of work lately. We committed to bringing in new, intriguing guests which are always wonderful, but complicate the production schedule. Dominic Keating was a revelation on last week’s episode and we have some more geeky insiders joining us to deep dive into the world of 007 over the next couple weeks. If you caught our SNEAK PEEK post earlier in the week you’ll have an idea of how these are going to shake out.

Keep this fun fact in mind when you listened to the next couple GEEK HISTORY LESSON episodes … we’ve got an exciting way for YOU to participate in the show!

Geek History Lesson Extra in October is going to highlight the personalities of our guests. Except recommendations and discussions about what we’re engaging with in pop culture right now, deeper review content we keep out of the main episode, and streaming suggestions to fill the rest of your year with. We are incredibly excited to spend some time on Her Majesty’s Podcast Service this month. Does this make #InternBrego our Q? Or our Moneypenny? Help us decide in the comments of this post!

JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE has been super benefitting from the listener questions - keep them coming! We’re enjoying sharing out the bits that come up between Jeremy and Jason during each recording. When we recorded these two episodes last month we had a ton of fun. Hope the energy comes through the pod like John Stewart’s Green Lantern constructs! The latest episode hits your feed TOMORROW (Tomorrow! tomorrow!), and we get to visit a rogue Amazon when we cover FURY.

If you haven’t yet read Jupiter Jet, Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio, Science! The Elements of Dark Energy, or Super Soldiers we’re running a FALL SALE over at www.jasoninman.com/store. They also make wonderful holiday gifts for the upcoming season! Use coupon code FALL to get $5 off every book in our store.

This is your monthly reminder: If you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO! and liked it - or if you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO and did not like it - please leave a review:


Don’t forget to follow Jason and Ashley while you’re there! If you like the “What We’re Reading” section of JASON & ASHLEY’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURES then you are going to love following us on GoodReads!

The latest Jason and Ashley’s Excellent Adventures drops in a couple days. We've had this scheduled for release for months now and it kept getting bumped for other things. In fact, I may have written about it in a past monthly Blog Update. If you've been holding out for the WHY WE LOVE WESTERNS episode this month is going to be for you! We are talking writing, tropes, and phonies along with lots of watching recommendations you can take with you into the winter holidays.

Secret Mail Level patrons are getting ACTION FIGURES! Since it’s Hallowe’en month we wanted to make sure everyone gets a “Treat!” in their post this month. Did somebody also say “Bonus Hallowe’en Candy” with the SECRET MAIL LEVEL!? Who said that?

Thank you for being a part of team JAWIIN. The past month has seen many changes and upheaval and having Super Friends in this community is like having our very own Hall of Justice to come back and recharge in this little corner of the internet. YOU are my heroes. Happy Spooky Season!

Thank you

Jason Inman



Tough call on Brego,I think he's more M then anything else