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Hello Super Friends!

We'll be recording the next four episodes of JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE THIS WEEKEND and we want your questions for

"Maid of Honor" Pt 1

"Maid of Honor" Pt 2

"Hearts and Minds" Pt 1

"Hearts and Minds" Pt 2!

(Remember -- the more creative the question -- the more likely it'll make it on the pod.)

Plus any lingering Justice League or Pie related questions from our previous episodes. Post them below to hear your question in the episode.




In Maid of Honor part 1, Audrey makes a reference to Wonder Woman having feet of clay and Wonder Woman replies “you have no idea”. What is your Wonder Woman origin head cannon? Is she made of clay, or an actual daughter of Zeus? What do you think of Green Lanterns blanket statement of all astronauts are military and should assume the risks that go with that when he suggested blowing up the rail gun with the astronauts on it?


In Hearts and Minds, do you think the writers intended to go heavy handed with the Star Wars references (the metal bikinis, John mentioning Yoda, his Force-like struggle with his power ring when trapped) and do you think it was too much? If you had two friends crash your place while you’re not home and you find out one of them eats your VHS tape of Old Yeller, how would you respond?