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There was a time when this was one of the most popular questions at social gatherings.

Where do we fall?

Where do you fall?

Let us know in the comments!




I'm a Baratheon for both good and ill. As for Jason, he strikes me more as a Mormont.

Adam Grunther

For some reason my original comment got deleted but I’m a Martell due to my theatrical personality, love for socializing and fun and the fact that I won’t hesitate to fight back if someone was being a jerk to someone close to me. If I were a member of House Martell from the show I’d be Prince Doran due to wanting to think things through more rationally and avoid a conflict depending on the situation. I agree that Ashley is a Tyrell (though I also think she could be a Greyjoy). Maybe it’s because of the hair color, but I also agree with Ashley that Jason would be a Baratheon (though more so relating to Gendry and Renly than Stannis and Robert in terms of personality).