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We loved it, so we're exploring why we think folks felt the opposite. We'd love for you to weigh in!



Trey McKnight

I am not a Spider-Man reader. I stopped reading it before the black Spider-Man costume. I do agree that f you don’t like something then don’t buy it. I can understand that if someone loves a character and they stop writing that character then it would cause them to be angry. I was that way when they replaced Bruce Wayne with Jean. I wasn’t angry enough to stop buying the comic but I was sure happy when they made that plot go away. Superior Spider-Man feels the same way to me. Also, that was the time when we were barraged with evil version of our favorite characters. There were like 5 evil Superman plot lines going at the same time. I’m not even kidding about that. I can see readers learning that Spider-Man was going to be basically a villain and say “nope”. If it was a gimmick and only lasted a few issues then that is one thing. But for some one who wants Peter Parker they had to wait a long time for him to return. Of course none of this is warrant for death threats.


I’m behind on my listening so please excuse the late response butI love this extra! I see so much trash talking on runs on various social media, complaining about why certain runs are not aligned with their own head cannon, and DEMAND the creators to change a run they put their heart and soul into. It drives me up a wall. Thank you and keep up the awesome work !