So just to let you know, over the course of the next couple of weeks, I'm thinking about changing some of the rewards and perk levels here on Patreon. Not only, to make stuff better for you, but also to encourage more cool people like yourself to sign up.
Here's a preview of some of the new levels that I'm thinking about adding over the next two weeks. Please let me know in the comments if any of the new stuff sounds great or what you would like instead.
Most of the unmentioned rewards will stay the same.
$8 - Jason Reads Comics - Exclusive 10 min video, I will take you through my DC Comics choice of the week.
$10 - What Happened This Week Podcast - Ashley and I will do a bi-weekly podcast talking about what we got up to. A more personal and insider look into my life and our other likes.
$25 - Mail Every Month - Every month, I'll send you a postcard, a doodle, a picture. Who knows! But you'll always get mail from me.
$75 - Youtube/Podcast Mentorship - I'll look at your podcast or Youtube and give you my thoughts or notes. (I would limit this to one person at a time of course.)
Let me know what you think and if any of those sound cool to you, then be on the lookout!