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you may have already received an email from patreon about this, but I thought I'd just let you know if you didn't see it yet. moving forward, if you start a new pledge and pay in the iOS app, you'll be charged a 30% apple store fee. new pledges apply to both new patrons and patrons who have cancelled their pledge and are joining again. to avoid paying the fee, all you have to do is either:

  • pledge from desktop

  • pledge from android

capiche? sweet. basically, don't pay using the iOS app and you're all good to go. 👍



Tim McGreger

Just an FYI, you can still do it on iOS as well…just sign into Patreon and set up your payment on the web site (the key is not to go through the Patreon app itself)


Thank you for the tip!


Just in general avoid paying for things through apps, usually you can get a better deal on desktop since I'm pretty sure Apple takes the same 30% cut on every app