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First off, I want to say thank you again for all the support you have all given me during my time at Patreon and even before that.  It really means the world to me and allows me to continue doing art for a living, which I absolutely love!
However, it is time to make a few changes as mentioned in a previous announcement that I made a little while ago.  Patreon, does not like the idea of raffles and therefore I have been trying to find a way to swap out the current raffle system with something else that I could offer to all of you.  So, here are some of the changes that are going to be made:

  1. This month (December, 2023) is the last month that I will be giving points out for the monthly raffles.  I will NOT be taking away the points you have already earned.  Instead, I will continue drawing names every month until everyone who has points has been selected at least once.  The more points you have accumulated, the better your chances are of getting picked for your sketch sooner.  However, it's still a raffle so it's anyone's guess who might get picked and when, but you ARE guaranteed at least one sketch with the points you have thus far.  Once you are picked for your sketch, you lose all your points and you won't be getting picked for the raffle again.  Only those who have not been picked yet have a chance of earning a sketch from the raffle starting this month.
  2. The raffle system is going to be replaced by a "lifetime pledge milestone reward" system instead.  Where you get something based on how much your total lifetime pledge is!  I will give more details on that in January once I have implemented the changes!
  3. There will be a new tier added to the tier list in January to go along with the new lifetime pledge milestones.

Sorry for that long announcement, but this is something that needs to be done and I feel will also allow me to focus more on my Patreon content for us all to enjoy together!  Thanks again for taking your time to read and I will have more information about the new stuff for you all next January!

**BTW - I tend to make announcements first on our Patreon Discord, so please feel free to join us there if you haven't already done so!


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