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I said once upon a time that I oughta just post to my public patreon like I do my other socials, and so I will (try!) I’m inking things today and laughing at Diego’s little mustache in the newest chapter, I hope yall are having a good Monday! (Dakota makes a messy bun and a track suit look so good, someone please tell her I love her v much)





Stop they are both so attractive


We love dagkota🕺


What is it on, how do I read it?

Marguerite Juno

he’s so hot it makes me want to hurt myself


Yeah I’d let them both ruin my life ✌🏻


You can read old updates for free on Webtoon canvas! Search CaezHel and it’s under Haunting Dagger. The fast pass updates are available to read on the rogue tier on this Patreon, but that’s also very 18+, fair warning!


Thank you!!


What’s the order on here? I just started back reading and a little confused… I read up to what’s updated on webtoon.


If you want to catch up from Webtoon, look under the recent Haunting Dagger updates on the rogue tier and click on the chapter six link! It might be in reverse order, but you can click the filter at the top of the page to switch it to oldest to newest. And the haunting dagger fast pass collection in the Collections tab SHOULD have all the chapters in order but that’s a bit of a scroll 😅 Now that you’ve reminded me, I’ll need to update six months worth of “Next” links under those posts AHHHH


His pony trail in the second pic makes me think he needs a matching pink track suit...