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I survived three whole, painful meltdowns this week and still somehow have the persistence to try to make time for work every chance that I get. I may not have much, but I still have that fighting spirit at the end of it all. Partly because I desperately need art back in my day to day routine; partly because I’m broke as hell which means my family is broke as hell, and they need me to come through somehow. So, I NEED to work.

Nothing is easy when you’re doing the parenting thing full time, especially on zero sleep and trying to manage postpartum depression in full swing. Y’all don’t want my life’s story with every post I make, but I’m trying to keep my efforts documented and try to give myself some credit when all my mind wants to do is look for a million and one reasons as to why I’m absolutely useless right now and that’s not good. 

i Love you guys and even if I feel totally hopeless and lost right now, I still often look forward to the day that things are easier and posting is more frequent and fun. Thank you for believing in me and investing in me. It means more than you know.



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