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IDK I KINDA LIKE THE LINE COLOR STUFF??? It’s such a time saver too, I wonder how it would translate over to comic panels???

hey, guess what happened today? Elias said “fuck”. Officially. We THOUGHT that’s what he was trying to say, but was having trouble Ending on that hard “C“ sound at the end, but today he finally did it and so now, I’m legally allowed to kill my husband for ENCOURAGING HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE 

my kid WOULD learn to curse before learning any other real words?????! karma 

im a terrible parent 




I think my older brothers first word was shit, so like yeah it be like that. I hope he picks up some other words soon though


Like I don’t feel so bad because I know he didn’t get it from me, SHOCKING, but also, how do I explain that to anyone else LOL 😂