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EDIT: Available for all patrons now! SO, I didn’t know these posts were literally breaking the feed, aka I’m gonna try to chop them up and post them in little batches like this instead. Hopefully it works 🙃


i knew I didn’t have it in me to finish another full page of Ep27 tonight, so i went ahead and threw some color on this one - very first page of the very first episode of my contest entry comic! The title still isn’t set in stone, because I’m sure I can come up with someone that fits better. OR! Or, I’ll end up settling on the placeholder name anyway, as I do with all placeholder names big shrug

anyway, yeah, this is what’s gonna be filling in for the Lucky! Hiatus the next couple of months, i know it doesn’t look like much yet, but its gonna come at you fast, hang on 

Note: I know the girl might look familiar, but it is NOT Talyn. I just have a thing about some of my characters exes being small, intimidating blondes (you Have my quite literal ex to thank for that terrible pattern)
