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Didn’t post this earlier this week when I finished it, but I will now while I have a moment!

also, update: The hotel is refreshingly cool, but we’re all sharing one bed - with a restless 3 year old - so you win some, you lose some lmao also, if Im hard to reach this weekend (points at the boy) our entire routine is in the pits rn

maintenance surprisingly sent another guy out today to work on getting a new unit hooked up (since we bullied the property manager about having to get a hotel but they’re hesitant to reimburse us rolls my eyes) but he hasn’t called to update for a few hours, so,,,, it would be GOOD news if they got it fixed a day or two early because when I did the kofi for the 3-night hotel stay, I completely forgot about dreaded hotel pet fees, and this place charges $75 Turbo to stay. 😒 But, if it DOESNT get fixed before Monday, the KoFi covered enough of it that I’m not worried about splitting hairs over the difference with pet fees for three nights, it’s more of an annoyance. The cost of cold air down here! Even the front desk person said we were the third family to check in last night because their AC went out at home, ahahhhh it’s your typical Texas summer, kids!




Beautiful design! But, aaarghh, your living situation! It's nice to share a bed with those you love but kids usually equals hard heels in your back and pointy elbows in your face. The things us parents and pet owners go though! 😅 I really hope things get sorted soon at your apartment! 🙏